Proposed bylaws changeTo: ISPLS Members Re: Proposed Bylaws Amendments Attached below are the new proposed amended bylaws for the Idaho Society of Professional Land Surveyors. There were a number of changes to "clean up" the existing bylaws in order to reflect the desired operational and governance structure of ISPLS. Regarding the process for amending the bylaws, the current Bylaws state: ARTICLE XII AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These Bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed and new Bylaws adopted by a majority of the voting members at any meeting, special meeting or by special ballot, and shall be in effect if at least ten (10) days notice is given in writing with the intention to alter, amend or repeal, or adopt new Bylaws at such meeting. The vote to approved the proposed bylaws amendments will take place at the Annual Business Meeting during lunch on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, in Fort Hall, Idaho. This post and associated member communications shall serve as notice to members regarding this intention to amend the existing bylaws. Please review the following materials prior to the February 28 business meeting. You are provided with a draft including all identified changes, as well as a final clean draft copy for vote approval. 2023 ISPLS BYLAWS draft December 2 with edits.docx 2024 ISPLS BYLAWS draft Proposed.pdf |